Please join us for this innovative, informative, and health producing session where we work both energetically and behaviorally to improve our metabolic system and in particular the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria are specific structures in cells that are responsible for generating the energy currency of the cell and therefore our entire physical system. This cellular energy currency is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). In this energy healing session, we will be working with the Divine, Your Guides and Teachers, and the Arcturians to heal and balance the following systems to optimize our metabolic and energy systems in the brain and body.  

These systems include:

1) The Endocrine System-in particular the thyroid and adrenals

2) The Mitochondria of Each Cell-this is a cellular and DNA healing that focuses on the following structures and processes in the mitochondria.

-Electron Transport Chain-this is the cellular mechanism which generates the ATP in aerobic and glycolytic metabolism

-Coordination between the cell's DNA in the cell's nucleus and the DNA in the mitochondria. The cell's DNA is distinct from the mitochondrial DNA. This coordination is what keeps cells working properly and youthful. The ageing of cells occurs when this DNA communication between the cell's DNA and the mitochondria's DNA breaks down.

-Providing enough cellular substrates in the mitochondria for healthy energy production

After the 50 minute healing session we will take a 10 minute break followed by a deep meditation where we communicate directly with the consciousness of our mitochondria to enhance, balance, and multiply the functioning of these conscious cellular structures. In evolution, the mitochondria actually came from bacteria that then created a symbiotic relationship with eukaryotic cells (the cells that make up a physical body). This occurred 4.5 billion years ago. We will be directly communicating with the consciousness of the mitochondria both energetically and in vision for good health, healing, and optimal functioning. Finally, we will go over practical and behavioral ways from leading scientific research in diet, cold, heat, and exercise studies that show how we can improve the mitochondria in our brain and body.

Only the person registering will be attuned to the healing frequencies. Please do not share these recordings with others. They will not receive the attunements. Thank you.

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