Arcturian Healing Method Level 5: the Arcturian/Metatronic Devices 

August 2-6 from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/3 PM BST to 2 PM PT/5 PM ET/10 PM BST (all days)

This level of the Arcturian Healing Method focuses on the creation of 5 energetic devices woven with the consciousness and energy of the Arcturians combined with the high spiritual being Metatron.  Metatron is a high spiritual being dedicated to raising the vibratory rate of creation.  The visual symbol representing this level is a double helix with one strand Arcturian and the other strand Metatronic.  

The work for these 5 days consists of 10 Crystal Device Transmissions (45 minutes each) in which you will work with the energy and consciousness of advanced Arcturian beings and Metatron.  The addition of invoking Metatron adds to the capacity to bring through more light from high spiritual realms onto the planet.

These 5 devices created out of energy and consciousness correspond to 5 of your subtle bodies.  These include 1) the physical body 2) the etheric (pranic) body 3) the astral body (emotional and mental body combined) 4) the causal body (karmic body) and 5) the spiritual body.  Once you receive the 10 Crystal Device Transmissions you will be able to channel healing frequencies based on the device’s function for yourself and others (ie. family, clients, and friends).

Each device has a main purpose.  The physical body device leads to maximum longevity and rejuvenation of the physical vehicle.  The etheric body device continuously cleanses and energizes the body made of chi/prana. This device in particular can have continuous channeling in the background if needed.  The astral body device allows for clearing of samskaras or emotional wounds/scars carried from lifetime to lifetime.  The causal body device allows for the burning or disintegration of karmic seeds.  The spiritual body device allows for the alteration and adjustment of soul time lines.  

The main reason for this level is to enable you to be a strong and efficient step-down transformer of the multi-dimensional frequencies from higher realms onto the planet.  Your subtle bodies will have the combined energies and frequencies of the Arcturians and Metatron woven into them.  The 10 Crystal Device Transmissions will increase the vibratory rate of your subtle bodies usually seen as a color code of light.  This allows the subtle bodies to become a radiatory device on its own which increases the vibratory rate of all those who come into your field of awareness and the environment in general.

Summary of this training:

  • 10 Crystal Device Transmission each 45 minutes long
  • 40 page workbook outlining uses of the Arcturian/Metronic Devices
  • Directions on how to channel these new frequencies for yourself and others.
  • Physical body device increases longevity and rejuvenation much like certain mantras and rituals can increase longevity.
  • Etheric Body device continuously clears and energizes the energy field.
  • Astral Body device allows for frequencies to dislodge long-term emotional and mental traumas.
  • Causal Body Device burns karmic seeds.
  • Spiritual Body Device changes soul timelines.
  • Overall increase in your vibratory rate so that you become a vibratory device raising the frequency of others and the environment.
  • A deeper connection to the Arcturians and Metatron.

Requirement: Arcturian Healing Method Level 4

Cost: $888


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