5 Force Healing Modality Level 3: the Antahkarana Frequencies

July 28, 29, and 30 from 7 AM PT/10 PM ET/3 PM GMT to 3 PM PT/6 PM ET/11 PM BST (all days)

Please join us for the new level in the Five Force Healing Modality Series which attunes us to frequencies to build the Antahkaran for ourselves, others, and information fields in general. The Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge is the upper pillar of energy in our energy field that connects us to our soul energy and the energy of our divine spark. Each lifetime we are building and strengthening this connection. We can think of this connection metaphorically like our high speed cable to the soul and the divine spark or the strength and power metaphorically of our spiritual internet connection. The stronger and more complex our Antahkarana connection is, the faster and more clear is our awareness and understanding of our soul's information and divine connection.

We will be working with the Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek, and Archangel Michael to weave the energies, frequencies, and powers of the Antahkarana. Each day we will be undergoing three 45 minute transmissions meant to attune us to specific frequencies to build the Antahkarana. These frequencies can then be used on ourselves, others, and information fields in general to build the Antahkarana. Also these transmissions will build the practitioner's Antahkarana to a high degree by going through the process of attunement to the healing frequencies. Each day covers the following topics:

Day 01: Building the Frequencies at the Soul Level

Here we are attuned to the Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the 1) Mental Permanent Seed 2) Emotional Permanent Seed and 3) the Physical Permanent Seed. These three seeds are like databases from the soul to build our mental, emotional, and physical body respectively.

Day 02: Building the Frequencies to Connect to the Causal and Spiritual Bodies

Here we are attuned to the Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the Causal Body and the Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the Spiritual Body. These two essential frequencies connect us to higher information in the pillar that has to do with our karmic or causal blueprint information and our spiritual or akashic record information.

Day 03: Building the Frequencies to Connect to the Divine and to Build the Lower Pillar of Light

Finally, we are attuned to the Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the Divine Body and the Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the Lower Pillar. The Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the Divine Body builds the portion of the Antahkarana which helps us remember our unity or oneness with the Divine (God, Creation, Love). The Five Force Antahkarana Frequencies for the Lower Pillar builds the lower portion of the Pillar of Light and our connection and groundedness to Mother Earth. In particular, the Divine Sophia energies strengthen and build through this frequency.

Each day will have ample time to practice the healing frequencies on yourself and with a partner. We will also have time for discussion on how to apply the frequencies for rapid conscious evolution and soul development.

This training is offered both as an in-person training at Circles of Wisdom in Methuen, MA. Please use the link below to register:

This training is also offered on-line. You can use the link below to register for the on-line version. You will get access to the Zoom link through the Teachable platform after registering.

Everyone who registers will have access to the video recordings for two years.

Requirements: 5 Force Healing Modality Level 2

Cost $525

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