5 Force Level 2: the Divine Numbers

July 24, 25, 26, and 27 from 7 AM PT/10 PM ET/3 PM GMT (8 hours in length each day)

This is the second installment of the 5 Force Healing Modality which is a deep dive and healing training into the esoteric and vibrational healing powers of numbers. All of the known and unknown aspects of the Universe and Multiverses can be seen as unique vibrations. One of the most fundamental ways to communicate these infinite possibilities of vibrations is through numbers. By combining the fundamental digits of 0-9, you can encode any vibration's informational field and pattern and communicate this information between two information fields.

We will be invoking and working with the 5 Force Healing Beings (the Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Archangel Michael, Metatron, and Melchizedek), to be attuned to the 5 Force Divine numbers which range from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each 5 Force Divine Number will have its own separate attunement which will encode both a healing frequency you can channel as well as a deeper understanding of the significance and informational field of that number. Once you are encoded to these 10 number healing frequencies, you can then utilize them through the help of all 5 Force Healing Beings ((the Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Archangel Michael, Metatron, and Melchizedek) or through one particular Higher Being (ie. channeling 5 Force 1 Healing Frequency through Archangel Michael). This leads to 60 combinations of healing frequencies just through these two options (ie. 10 Divine Number Healing Frequencies either through all 5 Force Beings or through 5 possible Higher Beings individually).  

Below is a short description of the 10 Divine Number Healing Frequencies. Each attunement to these frequencies is 50 minutes long. There will be a total of 12 attunements in the entire 4 day training. These descriptions are just a few possible explanations for the significance of these numbers and healing frequencies. Your guidance and intuition on these numbers can also be included when you channel these frequencies.

1) 5 Force 0-Here we contemplate and transmit the power of the digit zero. The Zero vibration represents the void, the black vibration, emptiness, and nothingness. This is one way the Higher Beings of the 5 Force modality can transmit the essence of the void nature of the Divine and Divine Awakening into any healing pattern.

2) 5 Force 1-The divine vibration of 1 (one) represents unity, at-one-ment, love, and the heart. The Divine Beings can transmit this unity frequency into any divine pattern through this frequency. The one can also represent God, Source, and the Divine.

3) 5 Force 2- The divine vibration of 2 represents balanced duality. This can transmit the divine split or the emerging into manifestation (duality) and the play of experience in the world of manifestation. The 5 Force Beings can transmit balanced duality through this vibration.

4) 5 Force 3: The vibration of 3 transmits triangles and the trinity. The 5 Force 3 frequency can transmit vibration of the Vesica Piscis as a representation of the balanced trinity as well as all triangular shapes and vibrations. The Higher Beings of the 5 Forces can transmit the power of the 333 vibration through this frequency.

5) 5 Force 4: This healing frequency transmits the power of the square, four foldness, and the tetrahedron shape. The qualities of inclusiveness and encompassing space are divinely transmitted into patterns using this frequency.

6) 5 Force 5: This healing frequency encompasses the 5 pointed star, the pyramid, and protection. Just like we have 5 fingers to our hand and can put out our hand in a stopping gesture, so too does the 5 pointed star create a protective field around our aura. The 5 Force Beings can utilize all aspects of the 5 vibration to create a protective field into a divine pattern.

7) 5 Force 6:  The number frequency of 6 carries the power of the hexagram, the hexagon, and the 6 points of interlocking triangles or the six pointed star. Also this frequency carries the vibration of the manifested world represented by the six sides of a cube. The cube is the sacred geometrical shape of manifested physical reality. Imbue any coding sequence with this power by channeling this frequency into the healing pattern.

8) 5 Force 7: This number frequency can represent a spiritual carrier wave. By channeling the 5 Force 7 frequency you can enhance the power of transmission into any healing pattern.

9) 5 Force 8:  One of the powers of this frequency is to transmit the infinity pattern as a number vibration. The channeling of the 5 Force 8 frequency allows you to imbue an energy pattern with divine cycles and repetitions that build balance and harmony into the pattern.

10) 5 Force 9: This is the frequency and number of completion. You can channel this power with the help of the 5 Force Beings to achieve completion of a cycle, of a learning situation, and/or a health or healing challenge.

From these 10 frequencies (0-9), you can then transmit any combination of numbers through this healing system. For example, if you wanted to transmit the power, information, and energy of the 555 vibration. You would add the 3 digits together (5 plus 5 plus 5 equals 15). Then you would add the two digits of 15 together (1 plus 5 equals 6). Then you can transmit the power of 555 through the 5 Force 6 frequency with the intention to transmit the 555 vibratory information into an information field such as a client, a space, an object, or an animal for example. The possibilities are endless.

In addition to the 10 attunements to the 10 fundamental number healing frequencies, there will be two attunements for two specific healing practices using these 10 healing frequencies. These two healing practices include the 5 Force Divine Divination Healing Practice and the 5 Force Divine Encoding Practice. Also, included in the training is ample time for discussion on the deeper meanings of numbers and healing exchanges so that you feel comfortable incorporating this into your existing healing practice.

As part of the training, it is suggested to get five 10 sided dice before the training. An example and possible place to purchase this can be seen here.

Requirements: 5 Force Healing Modality Level 1

Cost: $700

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