25-31 March from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/2 PM GMT to 2 PM PT/5 PM ET/9 PM GMT (all days)

The Initiate, on his tiny scale, likewise has to learn to work behind the scenes, unknown and unrecognized and unacclaimed; he must sacrifice his identity in the identity of the ashram and its workers, and later in the identity of his working disciples out in the world of daily life. He institutes the needed activities and brings about the required changes, but he receives no reward, save the reward of souls salvaged, lives rebuilt, and humanity led onward upon the path of return.
-Discipleship in the New Age by Alice Bailey
In this seven day training we will be continuing in the process to rapidly ascend and evolve spiritually in order to better serve others and the planet. The training involves three 35 minute transmissions each day meant to convey the energetic and consciousness evolution involved with each initiation. The entire training will encompass twenty-one transmissions when completed. In addition to this energetic process, participants will be attuned to seven healing frequencies in which they can convey this transformation to others. The detail of each initiation is described below.
Initiation One: the Arcturian Awakening Initiation-This starts the process of turning from the physical world towards the spiritual world and recognizing your spiritual destiny as a soul. At times, this process can be painful as you release the old and embrace the new life of spirit. The healing frequency involved with this process is called the Arcturian Awakening Frequency II.
Initiation Two: the Arcturian Scholar Initiation-This is where study of esoteric and occult knowledge becomes important and you are dedicated to the process of learning and developing on the intellectual as well as clairvoyant level. The healing frequency involved with these sets of transmissions is called the Arcturian Knowledge Frequency.
Initiation Three: the Arcturian Warrior Initiation-This process embodies the warrior's characteristics of strength, courage, and the will to fight for higher spiritual ideals. The healing frequency involved with these sets of initiation transmissions is called the Arcturian Warrior Frequency.
Initiation Four: the Arcturian Queen Initiation-This process leads us to release our neuroses and lower self drives and impulses and turn them toward the greater life of the soul. The healing frequency involved is called the Arcturian Rebirth Frequency.
Initiation Five: the Arcturian King Initiation-These three transmissions allows us to embody serving the group rather than the individual self. The healing frequency you will be attuned to and able to convey to others is the Arcturian King Frequency.
Initiation Six: the Arcturian Sun Hero Initiation-Here we graduate to embodying the I AM Presence more fully and completely in our system. This is represented by the spirit of the Sun. The healing frequency you will be attuned to on this day is called the Arcturian Sun Frequency.
Initiation Seven: the Arcturian Master Healer Initiation-The last in this series of initiation encompasses all six previous initiations and allows one to fully guide others in their process of spiritual renewal and development. The healing frequency involved with this series of transmission is called the Arcturian White Light Frequency.
The entire process is guided by a unique Arcturian spiritual being embodied in a Pegasus form called the Arcturian White Winged Pegasus. This Arcturian Being can also become a guide in healing and spiritual development for each participant if they want.
This level can be encapsulated in the Arcturian Healer's Prayer:
To be a channel of Divine Light
To be unacknowledged
To serve
The mission never changes.
Every day counts.
Requirement: Arcturian Healing Method Level 7

Only the person registering will be attuned to the healing frequencies. Please do not share these recordings with others. They will not receive the attunements. Thank you.

Example Curriculum

  Day 01
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days after you enroll
  Day 02
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  Day 03
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  Day 04
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  Day 05
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  Day 06
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  New section
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Available in days
days after you enroll

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