Arcturian Healing Method Certification Process (Levels 1-4)

June 5-9 from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/3 PM GMT to 2 PM PT/5 PM ET/10 PM GMT (all days)

This is the first level certification process in the Arcturian Healing Method that certifies people in Arcturian Healing Method Level 1-4. Participants who would like to be certified in these levels need to have taken Arcturian Healing Method Level 1-4 at least once.

This training and certification is meant to give those participants who want to offer their services in a public and professional manner. It can also be taken by people who want to deepen their healing skills.

We will be going over all the material presented in the four levels with an eye to expressing how this material can be provided in a clinical setting to help others who may come to you as clients. A thorough understanding of how to apply the techniques and frequencies will be gone over as well as case studies will be used to emphasize key aspects of the methodology. In addition, there will be three 45 minute transmissions each day to energetically align your subtle bodies and consciousness to be able to offer your healing services in a professional and paid manner primarily in the outer physical world. This alignment as a practitioner also occurs in the inner world and multi-dimensionally.

If you have been struggling to set up a practice and want to know more about exactly how to go about offering your services this energetic alignment will be key in shifting to this new role. There will also be ample time spent to delve into the business aspect of presenting your offerings. How much to charge? How to find your audience? How to advertise your services? What to expect and how to handle various cases and conditions that arise for full or part-time practitioners.

Each day will be spent receiving the certification for each level. Day 1 will correspond to Arcturian Healing Method Level 1. Day 2 will correspond to Arcturian Healing Method Level 2. Day 3 will deal with Arcturian Healing Method Level 3. Day 4 will be for Arcturian Healing Method Level 4. Day 5 will be spent synthesizing all four levels. Partial attendance is not allowed. Certification requires all 5 days to be completed in order to be granted the Level 1-4 certification.

Attendance must be live and for all 5 days on the Zoom platform. On-line video recordings will be provided for 3 months.

Please consider the training if the above fits your goals. This is an opportunity to provide potential clients with the assurance that you have done additional training in offering your professional services. This energetic process is also a signal in the inner world that you are committed to offering your healing services in a professional manner.

In addition, we will be going over ethics and how to develop more deeply as a healer and spiritual practitioner. Learning to follow your guidance and Higher Self's purpose is paramount in this part of the training.

This is an on-line training. All material will be provided via the Teachable website platform.

Requirement: Arcturian Healing Method Level 1-4.

Cost: $3000

Certification will be given once all days are completed and a self-assessment process is turned in (short interview-30 minutes and a few reflective essays on your healing goals and process).

Provide and/or deepen your healing skills

  • Arcturian Healing Method Levels 1-4 will be reviewed in the context of providing healing services to clients.
  • Case studies will be discussed to provide a thorough understanding of how and when to apply the techniques and frequencies.
  • Review key aspects of methods
Energetic alignment of subtle body and consciousness as healer and practioner

  • Three 45 minute transmissions each day of the course to energetically align your subtle bodies and consciousness to be able to offer your healing services in a professional and paid manner primarily in the outer physical world. 
  • This alignment as a practitioner also occurs in the inner world and multi-dimensionally.
Develop your healing business and deepen your development as a healer and spiritural practioner

  • Learn how to build an offer your services
  • Learn how to build your business from how much to charge, how to find your audience, or how to advertise your services. 
  • Learn what to expect and how to handle various cases and conditions that arise for full or part-time practitioners.
  • We will discuss ethics and how to develop more deeply as a healer and spiritual practitioner. 
  • Learn how to follow your guidance and Higher Self's purpose

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