Arcturian Healing Method Level 12: The Arcturian Council of Twelve

December 16-22, 2023 from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/3 PM GMT to 3 PM PT/6 PM PT/11 PM GMT (all days)

This is the description of the next level of the Arcturian Healing Method which is Level 12 based on the transmissions from the Arcturian Council of Twelve. These are 12 Arcturian Beings of Higher Frequency Light who are here to assist humanity and all beings in all dimensions to ascend to a higher state of consciousness, frequency, and vibration. The unpacking of this transmission consists of 9 sets of new healing frequencies meant to allow practitioners to rapidly and skillfully help themselves and the people or places they serve.

The following is a description of these 9 sets of healing frequencies:

1) The Arcturian Council of Twelve Healing Frequencies-These frequencies come directly from the Arcturian Council of Twelve Higher Beings. Their purpose is a mult-dimensional approach to healing on all levels. They are activated in the practitioner from a 12 Point Energy Mandala and when channeled as a group or blast have the ability to alter the destiny of a person if this is divinely allowed.

2) The Arcturian High Frequency Light (AHFL) Healing Energies-These are the next level healing frequencies meant to raise a person's energy, vibration, and consciousness. This is version 3.0 of the array of Arcturian Healing Frequencies being made available through this morphic field. The first 1.0 version was the Arcturian Healing Light (AHL) and the 2.0 version was the Arcturian Upper Echelon Series.

3) The Arcturian Omni Frequencies-These new frequencies and energies allow the practitioner to work without a form but as pure consciousness. As pure consciousness, healing can occur in an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent manner. The Arcturian Omni Frequencies can be run in those three versions: the Arcturian Omnipresent, the Arcturian Omniscient, and the Arcturian Omnipotent Frequencies..

4) The Arcturian Rainbow Light Frequencies-These energies transform and upgrade the 5 Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) in all the seven subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine) in order to spiritualize these seven subtle bodies. We also follow the Tibetan model of transforming the physical body into Light utilizing this Arcturian version of this process.

5) Arcturian Black Whale Frequencies-The Whales are record keepers for many star based beings who have incarnated on Earth. These frequencies come directly from the Arcturian Black Whales which bring a stillness and solidity to a person's consciousness. In this stillness a person can access the deepest aspect of their non-dual divine awareness which cuts through the mental discursive thinking mind. This frequency is also good in enhancing qualities of resilience and the ability to do hard things.

6) Arcturian Air Element Frequencies-These sets of frequencies work with the Arcturian version of the Air/Wind Element in all seven subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine). The Arcturian Air Element Frequencies help to bring lightness and freshness to all things it is channeled on.

7) Arcturian Neurotransmitter Frequencies-These healing energies balance any and all the neurotransmitters in the body. Specifically this can be used to balance and raise the levels of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Oxytocin where appropriate for good health and mental balance.

8) Arcturian Dark Matter Frequencies-These frequencies work with the dark matter of the universe which supposedly makes up most of the matter of the universe. We work with this Arcturian version of the dark matter energy to heal and balance the physical body and all other subtle bodies. This dark matter healing frequency is usually seen as a strong violet light.

9) Arcturian Whole Brain Synchronization Frequency-This frequency balances and integrates both hemispheres in the brain. We move from a solely logical, rational, and intellectual approach of the left brain to one which is integrated with the holistic, artistic, intuitive, and imaginative aspect of our right brain. With this frequency we are able to integrate and use both hemispheres in a balanced manner. This is the future evolution of the new human on the planet.

Arcturian Healing Method Level 12 is meant to physicalize high frequency energies that have not reached the planet before with the help of the Arcturian Council of Twelve. One way to begin this process is to invoke or tune into this Arcturian Council of Twelve right now or in meditation. Their presence is palpable, loving, helpful, and advanced.

This training is offered both as an in-person training at Circles of Wisdom in Methuen, MA. Please contact Circles of Wisdom at [email protected] to register.

To register for the on-line version of the course please use the link below. Once registered on the Teachable platform, you will have access to the Zoom link for the on-line sessions.

All participants will have access to the on-line video recordings for up to two years.

Course Requirements: Arcturian Healing Method Level 11


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