Arcturian Healing Method Level 9: the Arcturian Divine Fire 

August 7-13 from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/3 PM GMT to 2 PM PT/5 PM ET/10 PM GMT (all days)

In this level we will be focusing on transforming the subtle bodies of the participants with the light of the Ego or the I AM Presence. We will be working directly with the Arcturians as well as Solar Angels such as the Christ Being (Solar Logos), Archangel Michael, and the Host of Other Solar Beings to do this transformation. Each day of the seven day training will include three 45 minute transmissions which will help in this transformation of each of the 7 subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine). The subtle bodies will be imbued with the divine light of each person's Higher Self. The alchemy or transformation leads to what in many spiritual traditions is called the indestructible body of light.

In addition, participants will be able to channel seven Arcturian Divine Fire Healing Frequencies which can help others, their clients, and loved ones go through the same transformation. The following Arcturian Divine Fire Frequencies will be activated in each participant.

-Arcturian Physical Divine Fire

-Arcturian Etheric Divine Fire

-Arcturian Emotional Divine Fire

-Arcturian Mental Divine Fire

-Arcturian Causal Divine Fire

-Arcturian Spiritual Divine Fire

-Acturian Non-Dual Divine Fire

Also, each participant will be attuned to the Arcturian Solar Light Meditation Frequency. This energy can be used during meditation practice to accelerate the process of the alchemical transformation of the subtle bodies from a normal subtle body to one that is imbued with divine light. There are seven Arcturian Solar Light Meditation Frequencies corresponding to the seven subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine).

Finally, each participant will be attuned to seven Arcturian Fire Element Healing Frequencies. These healing frequencies works directly with the Fire Element and is channeled with the assistance of the Arcturian and Solar Angels. These healing frequencies bring balance and harmony to the seven subtle bodies through the use of the fire element. Also, these healing frequencies come in at a higher level than any of the other previous Arcturian Healing Method healing frequencies and so can be used to heal many difficult to cure problems.

The intention of this training is to allow each person to become a better instrument of the divine to benefit themselves, others, and all environments and dimensions.

This is an on-line training. When you register you will be sent a link to download a pdf file with the Zoom information. If you do not receive this link, please email Gene at [email protected]. All participants will be included in the energy of the event and will receive the mp3 recordings for their own personal use.

Requirement: Arcturian Healing Method Level 8

Cost: $1500


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