Please join us as we download new Arcturian Healing Frequency to synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left brain is known for more analytical, logical, and linear processing. The right brain is known for more holistic, spiritual, and artistic communication. Usually people may lean towards one emphasis over the other. The new paradigm is to synchronize and connect both brain hemisphere functions so that we can be expert in both the linear/analytic/logical realm as well as the holistic/spiritual/artistic realm. This healing session will be one hour and focus on first clearing and energizing the functions of the right hemisphere followed by the left hemisphere. We will then ask the Arcturians to synchronize the connections between both hemispheres to allow for optimal functioning in both the physical as well as multi-dimensional realms. In addition, the synchronization will allow for faster and more accurate processing of information as well as access to non-local and quantumly entangled information.

The healing session will be followed by a discussion on how to best optimize whole brain functioning.

All participants are included in the energy of the event and will receive the mp3 recordings of the healing.

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