Tuesday, April 11 at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET/5 PM GMT (2 hours)

Please join us for this inaugural healing and meditation session as we start the physical tour in Iceland in its capital of Reykjavik. We will be doing this on-line session from the capital to connect with the transformational energies and consciousness inherent in the land of Iceland. We will start out with a 50 minute healing session meant to connect with these energies of alchemy to change quickly, rapidly, and in a balanced way any patterns in our physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and/or divine bodies that we have been hoping to change in this life. You may have specific goals or intentions in mind or you might want to access your higher superconscious wisdom to change something that your personality self is not currently aware of. Either way, we access the power of transformation of the place of Iceland to assist through resonance these changes. Iceland is still forming and this is evidenced by its powerful geological structures and many active volcanoes. Also, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge cuts right through the middle of Iceland where the North Atlantic and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. Portions of the ridge also are right near Reykjavik. We can access these tectonic shifts in the outer world and harness them for inner world changes. We will be in resonance with this macrocosmic dynamic power to create microcosmic changes within ourselves. 

After the healing session we will take a 10 minute break followed by a powerful Pillar of Light meditation. In this meditation we will be astrally projecting our individual and group pillars to multiple sites in Iceland to allow these energies to download into our subtle body system to assist in healing any physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and/or divine traumas or cracks in our system. Power spots like these in Iceland and elsewhere on the planet have the ability to quickly transform, heal, and balance these patterns in our system. We will also be accessing the power of the volcanoes to charge our central channel and shakti energy of the kundalini serpent power at the base of our spine. We will also be learning and utilizing the capacity to astrally project to these sites without having to physically go there.

Looking forward to sharing this power spot healing and meditation session. You will have access to the video recordings afterwards for two years and also be able to download the mp3s for your own use when you register. Zoom information is provided on the course webpage when you register.

Cost: $55

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