Arcturian Healing Method Level 4: the Cosmic Shaman
March 1-4, 2025 at 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/3 PM GMT to 2 PM PT/5 PM ET/10 PM GMT (all days)
The Arcturian Healing Method Level 4 continues in the practitioner’s development to become a clear channel of service on the planet. The planet is in need of balancing on multiple dimensions and this work is an attempt to help alleviate this suffering. The work at this stage centers around 3 clear goals: 1) entity removal 2) world service and 3) increased healing frequencies.
The entity removal program installed at this level works on multiple levels in the practitioner’s system. First, there are two days of transmissions (four 45 minute transmissions each day) that create a strong vertical link with the Divine. Entity removal consists of the ability to dissolve unwanted crystallized thought forms, attached astral energies, and spiritual influences from another being. Healers from all lineages universally do this by first bringing through the Divine energies and frequencies to do the actual removal. The vertical linkage created by the transmissions in level 4 ensures this capacity and the safety of both the client and practitioner.
The intense series of transmissions experienced in these first two days also further steps up the light body or subtle bodies of the practitioner so that she can hold ever increasing high frequencies of light and information needed to remove entities from others. There is also an emphasis at this level on the further development of equanimity, vision, compassion, and level headedness necessary to do this type of work. A complete discussion and self-development program along these lines is outlined in the training.
The next goal of the training is world service. There will be techniques and transmissions given on the remaining days of the training teaching ways to work either with Arcturian Healing guides and/or the practitioner’s own spiritual guides to consciously help areas on the planet in need of service. This is done on the inner planes through these techniques. Conscious change on these fundamental levels also requires a deep connection to the Divine as well as a strong link and trust with a person’s spiritual guides.
Finally, there will be two new healing frequencies and techniques given at this level: 1) Arcturian Etheric Acupuncture and 2) Arcturian Scalar Wave Energy (ASWE). Both of these advanced techniques utilize existing healing frequencies established at earlier levels of the Arcturian Healing Method plus add another dimension and angle to be used in healing and transformation. Arcturian Etheric Acupuncture focuses healing frequencies and light into a concentrated form or etheric needle which can activate and transform energetic points in a client’s energy field. Arcturian Scalar Wave Energy (ASWE) uses a completely new set of frequencies compared to polarized energies which tend to be either energizing (yang) or supporting (yin). The ASWE balances both polar energies simultaneously as it is delivered into a client’s energy field and can then be programmed at a distance with a specific or open intention.
Prior Requirements: Arcturian Healing Method Level 3 and Initiates of Mani class