The Five Force Healing Modality of the Grail Tradition

July 22 and July 23 from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET to 3 PM PT/6 PM ET (both days)

Formerly known as the 3M Healers Training, this newly expanded and revamped training focuses on making a connection to five healing forces in the Grail Tradition: the Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek, and Michael in order to deepen our capacities for self-healing and healing for others. This training is a call out to those on the healers path as well as anyone interested in deepening their spiritual practice and impact in the world.  

The core of the training is five 45 minute transmissions. During the training sessions we will be receiving the connection from Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek, and Michael to download five unique sets of healing frequencies that we can use for self and others. 

A description of each of the five transmissions is below:

1: Five Force Transmission #1-the Metatron Healing Frequencies. In this transmission, we will be focusing on downloading a healing frequency that is based with Metatron as the leading force. This healing frequency in particular helps to spiritualize physical matter with Divine Light.

2. Five Force Transmission #2-the Melchizedek Healing Frequencies. This healing frequency focuses on Melchizedek as the lead.  The Melchizedek Healing Frequencies can be used to transform events, people, and places from low vibrations to higher vibrations. In the transmission, you are also attuned to the information field of a 33-sided Vogel crystal whenever you channel the Melchizedek Healing Frequencies. 

3.  Five Force Transmission #3-the Michael Healing Frequencies. Here we are taken under the wing of Archangel Michael to help channel this Beings Light, Love, and Wisdom. Use this for all healing situations and in particular to clear entities from a person, place, or objects energy field.

4.  Five Force Transmission #4-the Divine Sophia/Isis Frequencies.  The Divine Sophia/Isis transmission attunes you to the Divine Sophia/Isis Healing Frequency. This is a very nurturing and healing type of energy coming directly from the Spiritual Being of the Earth. In addition to running it in a general open/quantum way where it goes wherever the person needs, you can channel it in two different specific aspects. The first is to channel it to specifically heal the etheric body through a type of nurturing green energy. Second, you can channel it to restore and balance the five elements in the person’s energy body. These five elements are the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space. 

5.  Five Force Transmission #5-the Solar Logos, Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek, & Michael Grail Merkabah Transmission.  In this transmission you are attuned to a healing frequency that combines all five forces of the Grail tradition in a specific geometry around your energy field. Use this healing frequency whenever you need to call upon the forces of the Grail.

After each transmission, we will then take an integration break followed by using the healing energy in exchanges with each other. Ample instruction and practice will be provided so that you feel confident to use these energies for yourself, your loved ones, family members, and clients/patients.

This training is offered both as an in-person training at Circles of Wisdom in Methuen, MA. Please use the link below to register:

This training is also offered on-line. You can use the link below to register for the on-line version. You will get access to the Zoom link through the Teachable platform after registering.

All participants will have access to the on-line video recordings for two years

Cost: $375

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